

A grad portrait of Adonis. Hi there! Thanks for visiting my page. My name is Adonis. I graduated from Stanford with B.S. in Computer Science and I'm an aspiring software engineer. I am confident in my potential as a software engineer due to my strong foundation in computer science fundamentals, obsessive passion for learning, and dedication to positive impact through technology. Furthermore, organization and attention to detail are core traits of mine and naturally extend to software development. These attributes have proven to be invaluable assets, allowing me to easily align with coding best practices and produce clean, efficient code. I am proud to consider myself a lifelong learner, driven by a curiosity to master every subject I undertake.

This thirst for knowledge, combined with a dedication to precision in my work, positions me as an developer who not only embraces the complexities of coding but thrives in the pursuit of excellence. I am eager to contribute my skills to the mission of a company with aligned values, especially those whose goal is to develop socially important technologies.

I like to stay exposed to current tools and technologies in the field, so I'm currently working on earning some certifications while learning useful skills. I have certifications in Responsive Web Design, JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures, and Relational Databases, and I'm working on certifications Front End Development Libraries, Back End Development and APIs, and Machine Learning with Python.


< Atari Breakout />
< Kobe Bryant Tribute />
< JavaScript Calculator />
< Seismic Visualizer />
< Product Landing Page />
< CSS Cat Painting />
< Nutrition Label />
< Wikipedia Viewer />
< CSS Ferris Wheel />


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